Välkomna att vara med på ett forskningsseminarium om Etiopien och Eritrea som är knutet till Johannelund med Staffan Grenstedt som ansvarig. Han är tidigre lärare på skolan och Högskolelektor i praktisk teologi och missionsvetenskap. Seminariet hålls på engelska och här följer en presentation av innehållet:

The main speaker is Dr Inge Rydland from Norway, with a long experience as a missionary mainly in western Ethiopia and Addis. He also has experiences from ”the world of embassies”, which he has been attached to. Dr Inge you may present yourself on September 8, so we get every detail correct!

Inge’s topic will be: ”Thirteen months of sunshine?” He will deal with the global picture of Ethiopia versus the national conflicts in Ethiopia. Dr Michael Ståhl is asked to give a first response.

We will as usual have our seminar online with Google Meet and the link to click on is https://meet.google.com/sfm-cnbx-ibn?authuser=1&hl=sv  Just click on the link and I will let you in to the seminar. This link will be the same for our seminars this autumn, by the way.

The rest of our seminars is preliminary planned to take place on the first Thursday of the month at 6.30 pm as follows:

Thursday October 6, Thursday November 3 and Thursday December 1.